THE burning question
Widen the Lens | Bonfire with Soul Principle #2
“What does the world need most that you are most uniquely qualified to deliver?” - Duke Stump
This is *the* burning question at the heart of Bonfire with Soul. And as we as a team reflected on the “Widen the Lens” principle— we realized this is often the question that drives clients our way, though they ask it in different ways. They know in their hearts that they stand apart and want to deliver something different in their industry, but they feel unclear on how to define the answer to this question in their brand, communications, or narrative.
So where do you even begin to answer this question?
As Stump reminded us in true counter-cultural fashion, the first step definitely does not begin with focusing on the competition. In fact, he states “The concept of competition is an archaic thought.”
At Corling, we begin simply by look at the heart of the question--YOU. What are *you* most uniquely qualified to deliver? What makes you relevant, passionate, and different? And to whom?
This is not something you can answer in the echo-chamber of your board room or at your desk.
It has to start with quite literally widening the lens-- expanding the aperture to uncover new insights. One unique way we do this at Corling is by having *everyone* on our team in the room. Relevant to the project or not. We quite literally widen the number of eyes, ears, minds, and ideas to begin seeing things in new ways, listening for previously overlooked opportunities.
But it’s also because often these sessions bring the kind of passion as they “hand over the spark” that becomes infectious, lingering long after the meeting is over in the minds and hearts of our team. And almost always, there is something there that helps define the answer to the burning quesiton.
As Stump says “By expanding the aperture for how you see your world, you invite a new world of possibility. You play in a different jetstream, free and unencumbered by the archaic concept of competition and the anxiety-riddled world of comparison.”
Our path to defining your narrative includes understanding who you believe yourselves to be, who your audience is and the story they need to hear from you, and most importantly--the previously unforeseen opportunities we see that make you uniquely qualified to deliver.
You are never going to define that by looking at the competition, or by staying in an echo chamber.
If you’re ready to play in a different jetstream, to stop focusing on the competition, and to get fresh perspective on what you are uniquely qualified to deliver in your industry, our team is ready to help you uncover and tell that story.